Assignment 3: Meeting the Task Force Members and Starting to Frame a Final Report

The face-to-face meeting with members of the external task force was lively, in-depth, and informative. Ellen and all the members of her internal team listened carefully, posed probing follow-up questions to focus the conversation, and took good notes. As the meeting came to an end, their thoughts started to turn to how they would ever be able to sum up anything for McCallister—how they would be able to turn all of this rich discussion into a set of policy positions. The next morning, they all got this brief message from McCallister in their inboxes:

Sean McAllister, Albon County Executive
Ellen Worthley, Assistant Manager
Thanks for making yesterday’s meeting a success
March 23, 2022

Thanks for all your work helping our office get ready for yesterday’s meeting of the task force. Now we need to make sense out of all of this. Let’s get together next week and start to map out our positions. I have some important news about a simulation tool from the DCD that I want to share with you then. In the meanwhile, sort out your notes, drafts, and thoughts and come prepared to discuss how we can draft a final policy position.”

Ellen’s Third Assignment

The final phases of her whole project are now coming more clearly into view. McCallister has called a meeting to clarify and focus how Ellen’s staff team are going to proceed from today’s exciting initial meeting of the task force to the next meeting, tentatively scheduled for April 26. It is going to take a lot of effort to formulate a final set of policy recommendations for McCallister and Albon County. Fortunately, a lot of the leg work has already been completed and a successful initial meeting of the Task Force is behind them. And then there is this tantalizing mention of a pandemic simulator. What is that all about?

Ellen’s third assignment is one more individual task she gives herself and the team in preparation towards a full first draft of the policy memo. They are putting together a preliminary description of the final positions that they want to present to the external task force on April 26. Their goal is to have this preliminary policy draft in time to test out their policies on the simulator. They are hoping to have more time in the next week to work on this draft as well as to learn more about the pandemic simulator. They think the memo would start1

Sean McAllister, Albon County Executive
Ellen Worthley, Assistant Manager
Preliminary Policy Ideas for Albon County


  1. Bardach and Patashnik, 72–82.