Marauding Chickens at New Fadum Farm

Description of Details

New Fadum Farm Egg Club

Pick-Up Protocol
Draft Date: August 1, 2020

Eggs Waiting to be Delivered to Members of the Egg Club

Describe the physical layout. The egg pick up will take place at New Fadum Farm where three spaces will be prepared in advance. Two of these will be seating spaces with an adjacent table suitable for holding a parcel of papers or a beverage cup and small plate. The third space will be a larger table that will be used for food service, when offered, and for the physical transfer of the egg cartons. All of these spaces will be separated from each other by 8 feet or more.

Define who is involved in the Egg Pick up. Two household units will be involved in the egg pick up—a hosting household and a guest household. The host household will consist of David and Deborah Andersen, who live within a larger unit involving others at New Fadum Farm. The hosting unit will have overall responsibility for making the safety and activity rules clear to all involved. The guest household will come from one of the members of the trusted network that makes up the greater “Egg Club”. To participate in the Egg Club, a guest household will need to be aware of this protocol and express a willingness to observe its provisions.

Set out in detail how the whole activity will be carried out. In advance of the egg pickup, the hosts will prepare the physical space. The carton of eggs will be placed on the larger table with disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer easily available so that the guests can clean the egg cartons before picking them up, if they wish. If the hosts are providing a drink and a snack, those will also be set out in advance. The hosts will greet the guests while still wearing face masks. After all are seated, with hosts at one sitting area and guests at the other, face masks can be removed for conversation and food service, if that is an option. Food service options are described below. At some points during the visit, hosts and guests may walk back to the barns to look around, stroll in Deborah’s garden or perhaps take a short walk in one of the mowed back paths. During the walk, masks may be left off, but guests and hosts will keep at least six feet apart and walk in the same direction. If the six-foot distance cannot be maintained, involved persons will replace their masks.

Detailed description of food service and hospitality options (including use of toilet facilities). There are three food service options:

  1. No food or beverages are served.
  2. Guests bring their own beverage and snack. If guest bring their own, they will place them on the small table in their sitting area and serve themselves.
  3. Hosts provide beverage and snacks. If the hosts a drink and small snack, that will also be set out in advance. Separate plates of food will be provided for guests and hosts. Similarly, cups, plates, silverware, and serving pieces will be segregated for the hosts versus the guests. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer will be provided to guests at the larger table. Households will take turns moving to the larger table, picking up beverages and snack from their designated serving area and returning to their searing area. At some point, the guests will pick up the egg carton from the larger table, using disinfectant wipes to clean the carton, if they wish. All dishes and silverware will be left in place when the event ends, and the hosts will clean up afterwards using safe procedures.

If guests need to use the toilet during an egg pickup, they will use the toilet inside the Andersen’s house. One person at a time will be allowed in the house and must wear a face mask. Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer will be made available in the bathroom. Guests and hosts alike are requested to wipe down high touch surfaces used in the toilet.

(Optional) Activity worksheets or checklist.There is no additional activity worksheet or checklist. The first time that guests visit for an egg pick up, the host will provide a copy of this protocol and go over it with them.