Guiding Principles
New Fadum Farm Egg Club
Pick-Up Protocol
Draft Date: August 1, 2020

Purpose of this Document: To set out rules for safe operation of the Egg Club during the COVID-19 epidemic.
- The “Egg Club” consists of people who visit New Fadum Farm to pick up eggs and want to keep themselves and their families safe.
- People in the New Fadum Farm “COVID-safe Bubble” include an infant, two septuagenarians and other members of sub-populations at risk for COVID19 infections and we want everyone in our bubble to stay safe.
- We want to ensure that none our activities contribute to further spread of the epidemic.
Purpose of the Egg Pick-Up Activity: To deliver farm fresh eggs to friends of New Fadum Farm.
- An important secondary purpose is to have a nice chat with some friends, maybe take a tour of the barn to visit with the hens, and maybe even look around at Deborah’s garden or take a stroll back to the new bridge over the brook.
- Quite possibly, Deborah and David may serve a cup of coffee (perhaps with cookies) to members of the egg club while we are seated at a safe distance from each other.
Trusted Responsibility for COVID-19 Safety during Egg Pick-Up: We are all responsible for each other.
- Egg Club members will take care to be COVID-safe and will be aware of the contents of this protocol.
- David Andersen will have responsibility for ensuring that all Egg Club members are aware of and compliant with these COVID-19 safety protocols and testing requirements when picking up eggs.
- As a general principle, all Egg Club activities will follow reopening policies promulgated by Albany County and the State of New York. If county or state officials roll back some of the reopening permissions, Egg Club activities will be temporarily suspended.
Social Distancing: No handshakes, no hugging. Follow the rules—six feet distance and masks.
- All Egg Club members will maintain social distancing following current guidelines promulgated by the CDC, the New York State’s Governor’s task force on COVID-19 re-opening, and Albany County Department of Health.
- All members will wear face masks or maintain 6 feet or more of social distancing when on a barn tour or looking at Deborah’s garden.
- Members can remove their masks when seated more than six feet apart to have a cup of coffee or seltzer and chat.
- David is expected to present a problem with regard to social distancing. His family worries that he may not comply strictly with these social distancing norms—please help him remain compliant :).
COVID-19 Surveillance for Egg Club Members: If you have a temperature or don’t feel well, stay home.
- Egg Club members will routinely monitor their health status using the CDC Health Bot available online here. (or an equivalent screening device) and closely pay attention to and follow the recommendations of such screenings.
- Egg Club members recognize that measuring one’s body temperature is an easy way to discover possible asymptomatic infection early on (in spite of issues with false negatives and false positive readings 🙁 ).
- During egg pick-ups, Club members will tell an interesting (or amusing) story about their body temperature. For these purposes, an “interesting story” is defined as a straight-up report on one’s current body temperature.
Quarantine: Observe all official quarantine regulations.
- Current public health requirements state that persons who have been in contact with an active COVID-19 case should be evaluated by the appropriate public health agency (presumably Albany County Department of Health) and should maintain possibly prescribed quarantine.
- Egg Club members will strive to meet current Albany County and NYS public health requirements with respect to possible quarantine measures. distance from each other.
Out of Region Travel: If you travel, be careful not to bring back the virus and spread it locally.
- Out of region travel, especially to regions where COVID-19 is still active and to large gatherings, may require additional monitoring and attention by everyone concerned.
- Egg Club members will pay attention to out of region travel and discuss it with other Club members as necessary.